Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sticky Rice Cake with Green Mung

Around before the 1980s, there were many traditional organizations known as sekaa. Most of them abode in agricultural sector. Area of their activities ranged from cultivating the land up to conveying the rice bundles at post-harvest time to granary. They were carried out through mutual assistance among the members of the sekaa. For consumption, they were largely provided with one time meal at midday and once or two times snack with coffee. As accompaniment to the coffee, it was served traditional cakes such as sticky rice cake with green mung.
100g green mung, 200g white sticky rice, 1 cup of grated coconut and 1 cup of brown sugar sauce.
• Soak the white sticky rice for some 2 hours, while the green mung should be soaked for one night.
• Drain and then mix the green mung thoroughly with the white sticky rice. Steam this batter. Add some water onto the half-cooked rice. If the water has run dry, steam it again until cooked.
• Take out and serve it with the sprinkles of grated coconut and brown sugar. Now it is ready to serve. (BTN/punia)


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